Evening Talk - Cate Hey, Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychologist

Thursday, 27 June, 2019
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Room 26

The PTA of Remuera Intermediate School would like to invite you to its annual evening talk. This is a night when parents and teachers come together to be educated and entertained by a speaker who has expertise in dealing with issues currently confronting children and adolescents.  

Topic: Raising Resilient and Optimistic Children

Speaker: Cate Hey, Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychologist

Date: Thursday 27th June 2019

Time: 7pm-8:30pm 

Venue: Remuera Intermediate School 

Admission: $5 on the door

All children are capable of extraordinary things. But on the way they will face challenges, big and small. As parents we want to help them but we can’t be there all the time. What we can do is give them skills to confront these challenges and learn from them. Resilience and optimism helps to enable children to bounce back from adversity. When children are resilient and optimistic, they are braver, more curious, more adaptable, and more able to extend their reach into the world. This is something Cate Hey, Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychologist, knows well. Last year she spoke to us about the anxieties that can affect our children’s behaviour, social interactions and educational achievement and gave us strategies for combating it. This year she comes back to speak to us about how we can best help our children to become more optimistic. As before, she will be providing practical strategies for us to help our children before opening up the floor to questions.

Light refreshments on arrival. 

Please RSVP to Tushar Sharma at tusharma@gmail.com for an indication of numbers.