Water Polo


Each year students are invited to join three mixed Water Polo teams.  Participants need to be strong swimmers and will usually have played Flippa Ball or Mini Polo at Primary School.

Students are expected to commit to the full Water Polo season including training once a week.

Information for 2024 RI Water Polo

2024 RI Water Polo Expression of Interest (EOI)


Games are held at either Sacred Heart or Epsom Girls Grammar/Dio on Friday evenings from Term 2 through to Term 4.  Transport to and from games is the responsibility of parents and caregivers.

There are also three weekend tournaments:  Winter Festival in August, the Tim Sonderer Memorial Cup in September and the North Island Championships in October.


There is a registration fee to cover training and pool charges.

Water Polo Co-ordinator

Robin Gatfield  robing@remint.school.nz