2023 Remuera Intermediate Community Survey

The Board of Trustees regularly reviews our strategic plan and the extent to which we are achieving our goals and meeting the expectations of our community.  As we refocus our efforts on our mission after this disrupted period we are very interested to gather your input through a community survey.

Please click here for the survey.

The feedback and suggestions you provide will assist the board in understanding the hopes and aspirations of our community. As an outcome of previous feedback, we have continued to refine our mission statement and develop a series of belief statements that guide decision-making and goal-setting.

This is the link to our school mission statement.

The survey will close on Wednesday 17th May. All replies are anonymous and our school data analyst will summarise the findings and report these to the board.

We thank you for taking the time to provide your thoughts as we continue to look at ways to improve for you and your young ones now and in the future.