2024 LIT Week Highlights

Earlier in term 2, Lit week happened at RI. There was a massive launch for the week at Monday’s full school Assembly where teachers came dressed as characters from literature.

Each day there was a different challenge for students to participate in. For example this one:


Tuesday of the week saw two trips of RI students going out of school. One group went to the Auckland-wide Kids Lit Quiz with more than 80 students competing and another group went to Aotea Centre for the Auckland Writers Festival.

Back at school on the Tuesday of Lit Week at lunchtime, was a poetry challenge contest. Students were invited to meet in the library with Mr Rasmussen, to write a poem in a short space of time with the starting line, ‘If I Could Change the World I would…’

Here are a couple of examples:

If I could change the world
I would fix the air
Bring back the trees
Make the world more fair

Stop the tears
Of the youth
Make them care
The land would be happy again                          Lauren Ware   Room 4


If I could change the world
Everyone would have a comfy place to stay
And would eat plenty of delicious food
Every single day

We can all do this too
Both you and me
Let’s all make the world
A better place to be       
                                     Vianna Madhwan   Room 2


If I could change the world
I’d get rid of plastic
I would demolish its very existence
And clear out its humongous occupation
In the deep, watery depths of the ocean
           Yugesh Haribalan   Room 15


If I could change the world
I’d be the happiest version of myself
If only you’d allow me to grow old with you
For your smile has bewitched me
As if I was watching stars dance gracefully in a peaceful night
Will I ever feel your gentle touch again
As I hold your warm hands on a cold day
But my heart jumps in disappointment
As my eyes drown in tears
I realise it was just a dream
My world didn’t change
It wasn’t real
My world was you
                                            Athena Delfinado   Room 2


If I could change the world
I’d dye my hair green
And buy magic beans
I’d plant them
And enchant them
And wait for them to grow
I’d climb and climb until
I had the power to show
Everything I need to know 
                                 Collaboration: Nhi Lam, Deiviya Dhileepan & Deona Seenu Prahba      Room 16

In the middle of the week on Wednesday afternoon was a very special privilege for RI. Maryam Master an award-winning author from Sydney Australia gave a special presentation to all of Year 8s and was super captivating.

Maryam has written books that relate to our school’s age group that are funny, sad and relatable telling stories where some of the elements are based on facts and events from her own life. She expressed how important storytelling is for everyone. When she read extracts from two of her books: ‘Exit Through the Gift Shop’ and ‘No Words’, the school hall was totally silent with students fully listening to her powerful stories.


Thursday - Year 7 Literature Quiz.

During Year 7 Assembly, there was a quiz held for all 15 classes where questions related to books were asked. A couple of the questions are included below.




The week was really fun and any students that won competitions during the week were given the prize of being able to choose a book that is donated to the library with a dedication inserted inside the cover of the book.

Thank you to everyone who made Lit Week such a great memory of this year and for making it so ‘LIT’.

Mr Zemke
Events Coordinator