Newsletter - 9 December 2022


Best Wishes and Congratulations

Congratulations to our year 8 students who have given so much over these past two years and shown such great strength of character and perseverance throughout some of the more challenging times. Good luck as you make your next move in the game of life.

To those families we are farewelling this year, we have appreciated your continued support and positive contribution to our RI community.

To our year 7 students, we can’t wait to welcome you back in the new year to a full calendar and a wealth of new experiences. Our new changing rooms and toilets will be completed in February and with some luck, the refurbishment of the main block will finally get underway. We are also very excited to welcome two new teachers to RI. Frederick Simpson and Tom Stenning will be joining us in the new year in Year 8.

Finally, I would like to wish Armine Abrahamyan all the best with her move to Australia with her family. We also farewell Dr John Tomson who has worked very closely with our violinists for many years now.

Best wishes to you all and I hope you all manage to enjoy a peaceful break with friends, family and loved ones.

Kyle Brewerton



RI was very excited to be able to hold the annual Dance Extravaganza this year.

It was amazing to welcome two previous RI dancers back to perform at the Dance Extravaganza - the 2020 Dance Cup Recipient Isabella Murray and the 2018 Dance Cup Recipient and Arts Person of the Year Joshua Douglas. Josh has just completed his first year studying ballet as a full time student at NZ School of Dance in Wellington, performing at the school's 55th Anniversary Performance Season - where he personally received rave reviews.



On Tuesday 29th of November, 3 teams from Remuera Intermediate competed in the Interzones Futsal Championships. Each team qualified after impressive results at the Central Zone competitions.

All 3 teams showed resilience and played with passion! Their teamwork abilities were outstanding and they represented RI well.

We came away with some amazing results after some hard-fought games. The Year 7 boys came 3rd and the Year 8 boys came 2nd after a tough final. The Year 8 girls' team came out as the champions and the top futsal team in Auckland! 

All these students should be very proud of their achievements.



On 29/10/22 the clean seas went to a beach clean-up and joined forces with a group of Glendowie College students. The beach clean-up was at 104 Kings Road, Panmure. The students from Remuera Intermediate School who went to clean up the beach were: Taylor Huang, Angela Zhu, Isla Thomson, Autumn Taylor and their families. We all worked together for a Saturday morning to collect as much rubbish as possible. In the end, we managed to pick up a whole heap of plastic, which included a barbie doll, fairy lights, and a whole lot of glass. Once we had picked up as much rubbish as possible, there was a sausage sizzle that even had a vegetarian option. After that clean-up it made me think of how much plastic is chucked into the ocean each day. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be a sea creature living in a polluted habitat for my whole life. It made me very sad to think about all the careless people who just keep polluting the beautiful ocean. I would like to do more beach clean ups so that the sea won’t be so polluted by our rubbish.

Autumn Taylor - Student, Room 8



The Year 8 cycle 3 groups are coming to the end of their course.

The photographs show some of the highlights from projects created by students who participated in the Performance Media option.

Some of the projects they produced included: an advertisement, an instructional video, a music video and a video of their choice.


Planting our Kumara Tipu (Cuttings)

Six months ago we started growing Kumara tipu, from 3 kumara, in the Foods room. The time was right to create a new māra (garden) for our Kumara and the lawn around our school sculpture was chosen as a good site. Using an app called Hina we checked the Maramataka (Māori lunar calendar) to choose a good day for planting and settled on Monday 5th December.

A group of 25 tamariki were involved in the planting. We were very lucky to have Rob Small guide us on the day. Rob is a keen botanist who designed the Pourewa Māra Kai, Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei. Rob explained the importance of the spiritual relationship between Māori, the atua (ancestors) and Papatūānuku (earth mother). He gave a Karakia (prayer) to acknowledge the atua protecting and enhancing the māra and what it produces.

Before planting our tipu we needed to create puke (hills or mounds) for the kumara to grow in. Rob showed us how to plant the tipu in a J-shape and lay them from east to west, one plant in each puke. We planted 40 tipu and donated the remainder to local Garden to Table schools.

Kumara needs at least 120 days to grow to maturity, meaning they should be ready to harvest in April.

It will be exciting to see how the Kumara grow over the summer and we’re hoping to harvest a good crop in 2023.


On Friday, December 2nd we took a large group of Athletes to Central Zone at Lloyd Elsmore Athletic Fields. We had an absolutely amazing day and every single athlete represented Remuera Intermediate with excellence. This was our most successful year ever with 56 certificates being awarded to our school during the day.

Well done to all students involved. 

Results as follows:



Students in Year 7 and 8 have finished their last cycle of Multi-Materials. I would like to thank all the students I have taught this year for their efforts and achievements. They have produced a wide range of outcomes, challenged themselves and worked in a safe manner during our classes. Well done. All the best for your future educational endeavours.

Tom Symons - Multi-Materials Specialist Teacher 



This term we have focused on preparing our Year 8 Students for Secondary School, and our Year 7’s has explored “Our Wonderful World”, supporting their classroom work for their Science topic.

I’d like to congratulate all ESOL students for their hard work and perseverance in my class this year. A special acknowledgment goes to the following pupils for some great progress.

Certificate of Merit: 
Brian Zhao, Senuke Serasinghe, Doyeon Kwak, Amore Desamero, Damsithu Fonseka, Chloe Shin, Githira Karnasu, Max Yang and Ruby Yang

Certificate of Excellence:
Sana Zohak, Lily Zhong and Basel Eltantawy

I look forward to seeing my year 7’s again next year and wish all the Year 8’s the very best as they move to their new secondary school, and continue to pursue learning English.

Wishing you all Aroha, Shalom and Alegria throughout this Christmas season.    

Gillian Waters - ESOL Teacher



Congratulations to all the students who received awards at our Sports and Arts Awards Assembly 2022. We would like to acknowledge our teachers and parents who coached our sports teams and those who were involved in the Arts. A special thank you to all our students who got involved and participated with enthusiasm. We have many, very talented students at RI.



Students can bring them to the school foyer during the last few days of school or they can be placed in the drop-off bin in the school car park near the hall, during the school holidays.




13th      Year 7 Rainbows End Trip

15th      Year 8 Rainbows End Trip

16th      Term 4 Ends - School Finishes at 12:30 pm -12:40 pm


2nd       First Day of School - Starts 8:45 am 


You can download the free app from the App Store or Google Play. It works on both android and Apple phones. It sends important school messages and forms a big part of our school communications.  

Features of the App:

  • You can subscribe to alert groups of interest to you and your child
  • You can complete the absentee form directly from the App
  • You can access the school calendar, news and events directly through the App
  • We can send out targeted alerts to everyone with the App or to specific groups


All absences need to be reported by 8:45 am at the latest. To report an absence please:

Use the 'Report an Absence' link in the top right corner on the school website homepage

Use the school app or phone the office on 09 522 9890 Option 1
Please do not email absence notifications to classroom teachers


Your children’s safety is of paramount importance to us.  In order to ensure the safety of all our students, at 9:45 am if your child has not been marked as Present we will send out a text notification to alert you of his/her absence.  We are aware many parents are very busy people and forget to notify the school so please respond with a Y and a reason for the absence/lateness. Respond with an N if you have dropped your child at school or know that he/she was coming to school and we can investigate this promptly. Should your mobile number change, please notify the school immediately so that we can update our records accordingly. 


Parents are able to use our portal to pay for their child’s donations and fees. We encourage anyone who has not already signed up to do so.  The address is


We would like to extend our thanks to PB Tech for their very generous sponsorship at our recent prizegiving. They kindly donated two laptops to our top students. We have had a long relationship with PB Tech and always appreciated their support and expertise in all things technology-wise. They also have a fantastic selection of Christmas goodies if you're stuck for ideas this Christmas.