Year 7 Camp 2021

This term your child will be going to Camp Adair in the Hunua Ranges near Papakura. The camp's objectives are to provide the children with experiences that are educational, challenging, and fun. Based around the school's mission statement to develop resilient, compassionate and responsible members of our community.

We will be heading out to camp in Week 11 of this term.

Camp 1: Monday 12th April - Wednesday 14th April Rooms 11, 12, 13, 14, 26, 27, 28
Camp 2: Wednesday 14th April - Friday 16th April Rooms 1, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18

The cost of the 2021 camp is $235.00 (incl GST) which covers the transport, accommodation, meals and instructors. 

We welcome support from our parents to help supervise the activities. We hope you are able to help so the camps can go ahead.

Please complete this form by Wednesday 31st March giving permission for your child to attend and your availability if you would like to help.

Payments are required by Thursday 1st April.

Thank you for your support with our exciting camp, it certainly is a highly anticipated highlight for our Year 7's and us!