Student Wellbeing

Student wellbeing (or Pastoral Care of students) underpins the education that we offer at RI.  We understand that our students can only learn to their potential if they have a sense of belonging and safety in our School environment.

Support is provided via a number of channels:

  • Classroom teachers are the first port of call and they keep a close eye on students within their classes.
  • Year 7 Dean and Year 8 Dean - Our year group leaders are closely involved with students throughout their designated level and pay particular attention to their wellbeing. 
  • Our Deputy Principal has responsibility for discipline within the School and provides additional support to classroom teachers when necessary.  Any instances of bullying or other unacceptable behaviour are taken very seriously.
  • Our Principal has ultimate responsibility for students and takes an active role in resolving issues and providing support where appropriate.
  • International Students - Our Director of International Students has close involvement with all our international students and maintains contact with their homestay families or Auckland based parents throughout their time at RI.

Staff conduct student wellbeing surveys to gauge how students are feeling about their experience at RI and this information is reviewed to ensure that our practices provide the best possible environment and support.