Opportunities to be involved in sports at all levels are seen as a cornerstone of who we are as a school. Like all things in life, not everyone can be the best and as such we have taken a holistic view of sport by ensuring we have opportunities to participate at a social level as well as the elite competitive level both within the school day and out of school hours.
Opportunities to be involved in sports at Remuera Intermediate are provided through the following:
Sports Service opportunities - RI Referees, PE Monitors etc.
Social/Hybrid sports leagues
Competitive Sports - Auckland Central and Interzones competitions
Students from Year 7 and Year 8 can apply to be a class PE monitor. Applications and interviews are completed in early Term 1. PE monitors have a number of responsibilities including running the PE shed, organising and overseeing class PE equipment and providing support at external events such as the Central Zone competitions.
RI Referees run and referee lunchtime sports. Competitions last year included touch, dodgeball and netball. Students who are interested in becoming a referee apply and trial for the position at the beginning of the year.
The school facilities the opportunity for students to take part in social and hybrid competitive sports leagues after school hours. These sports are open to as many entrants as there are willing participants, providing the teams can arrange a coach and manager.
Please click on the following for more information:
Term 4 Girls Touch
This is run by RI Referees and provides opportunities for all students who are willing and able to get involved in friendly competitions such as netball, touch rugby, dodgeball, fat mat splat, etc. Interclass competitions in last year included sports such as touch, dodgeball and netball.
This elite competition is highly competitive and involves over 45,000 year 7 and 8 students from across the greater Auckland region. Our teachers are responsible for coaching and managing our young sportspeople, with training often taking place before and after school and during lunch breaks.
Team members or individuals are selected to represent the school based on skills and talent. The number of teams or individuals that are eligible to enter each year is determined by the tournament organisers, this means there are limited spaces. This can make selection very challenging when we have so many capable young sportspeople. Students that are selected will be expected to follow the Code of Conduct for sporting events.
As a member of the central zone, our students first compete at Central Zone competitions.Typically, we only send teams that place first in Central Zone through to the Auckland Interzone competition. The Auckland Interzone competition is a playoff against teams from the other zones from across Auckland.
Students will be informed via daily notices of trials for teams to represent RI against other teams in the central zone. There is always a large amount of interest in joining our competitive teams and the teacher in charge of each event or sport will run trials to decide on the team to represent RI on competition day.
For information about individual sporting codes and their supporting teachers, check the dropdown menus on the right side of the page, or ask your child to check the sports noticeboard located in St Vincent's Foyer for the most updated details.
AIMS Games is a national multi-sport tournment which our students can compete in. The competion is only for teams or individuals who place at the top of their local, regional or national competitions, and will have associated fees which will be discussed on an individual basis between teachers, teams and their caregivers. Students have competed in the AIMS games in recent years have represented RI in Boys' Futsal, Boys' Basketball, Netball, Rock Climbing, Swimming, and Cross Country.
To participate in AIMS, established school teams or individuals must meet certain criteria and adhere to guidelines set out by the school. These criteria and guidelines are set out below. The registration process is communicated to parents in Term 1. Applications need to be completed by the end of the term to be considered.
Click below to find out about the application process:
2025 AIMS Games Application Process
Beginning late in Term 3, all students participate in athletics training during class PE lessons. This covers the usual array of field events, sprint training and relays.
At the end of the training sessions, each syndicate nominates a team of top athletes across a number of disciplines to compete in the full range of track and field events at the School Athletics Day.
The RI Athletics Day is held at Pakuranga Athletic Track in Term 4 each year.
Students who do not attend the Mt Smart competition participate in a full day of outdoor activities at School.
Winners of individual events at the RI Athletics Day form the Central Zones Athletics team that competes at Mt Smart Stadium towards the end of the year.
Hayley Buckley hayleyb@remint.school.nz
In Term 3, all students are invited to trial for the Central Zones Badminton team which comprises Year 7 Boys and Girls, Singles and Doubles and Year 8 Boys and Girls, Singles and Doubles (12 players in total). The competition is held in Term 4 at the Gillies Ave Badminton courts.
The Central Zones team has a weekly practice at lunchtime in Terms 3 and 4.
Yvonne Gallagher yvonneg@remint.school.nz
During Term 1, students are invited to trial for Year 7 and 8 Basketball Leagues.
Players are expected to commit to the entire basketball season including at least one practice per week at a time agreed with their coach.
Please click here for more information on the 2025 Year 7 & 8 Basketball Leagues.
Teams compete throughout the year. The competitive teams play all year around and 1 team goes forward to represent RI at Central Zones. Social basketball teams also join a league and play games each week. We also have formed a development squad with the objective of learning and improving basketball skills.
The Central Zones Basketball competition is held in Term 3.
For more information on fees, please click here.
Transport to and from games each week is the responsibility of parents and caregivers.
Teams are managed by volunteers so we rely heavily upon support from parents and friends to ensure that our teams can be registered to play. There is an opportunity during the registration process to indicate any offers of assistance.
Remuera Intermediate is offering a basketball programme in collaboration with Swished On. This includes a coaching session run by Coach Blake that teaches skills, improves their game as well as fostering a passion for basketball. Students are also placed in a team by RI and they will play in a competition with other schools. Games are held either at St Kent's on a Wednesday or Barfoot & Thompson Stadium on a Thursday between 4 and 7 pm. Teams play in A, B, C or Social grades.
Jenni Brookes
RI has three cricket teams: Year 7 Boys, Year 8 Boys and Mixed Girls. Players are expected to commit to the entire season including at least one practice per week at a time agreed with their coach.
Trials are held early in Term 1 for all teams, dates and times to be published in daily notices.
For more information on 2023 Central Zone Boys Cricket Trials, please click here.
Central Zones competition usually held late in Term 1.
If teams wish to enter The ActivePost Cup and The ActivePost Shield it will be the responsibility of the parents to organise.
For more information on 2023 Girls Cricket - Parnell Cricket Club (RI Invitational Tournament), please click here.
There is no fee associated with playing cricket for the school. Players wear RI PE uniform unless they have their own cricket whites. The school provides helmets and other gear however players are welcome to use their own.
We have been fortunate to have the support of Parnell Cricket Club for coaching however we appreciate offers of help from parents and friends.
There is an opportunity during the registration process to indicate any offers of assistance.
Jason Waite jasonw@remint.school.nz
All students participate in cross country training with their classes in the first half of Term 3. The top 15 girls and boys from each syndicate (or 20 where there are four classes in the syndicate) then participate in the school cross-country race.
The top 8 girls and boys from each year at the school cross country qualify for the Central Zones competition at Waiatarua Reserve, St Johns in Term 3.
The top school team and the top ten individuals in each category from Central Zones qualify for the InterZone competition.
Refer to the School Calendar for event dates.
Anne-Maree Clark ann-mareec@remint.school.nz
Remuera Intermediate School is a member of Cycling New Zealand - Schools (NZSCA) which enables our students to compete in a range of inter-school road, track and mountain biking events.
Student participation in cycling as a school sport relies on parents to take full responsibility for the organisation and supervision of their child at all training and competitive events.
If your child is interested in joining the RI Cycling Club in this year, please complete both of the following documents and return them to Tom Symons in the Multi-Material Room, or email to tomsy@remint.school.nz
2024 RI Cycling Registration Form
2024 RI Cycling Student Information
Road Racing
Ibuilt Junior Tour - Saturday 22 June 2024 - Aka Aka, AucklandNorth Island Road Champs - Saturday 06 July 2024 - Lake KarapiroNorthern Tour - Saturday 31 August 2024 - Mt Wellington, AucklandNational Road Cycling Champs - Sunday 29 September 2024 - TBC Yunca Junior Tour - Friday 4 October 2024 - Invercargill
Mountain Bike Racing
XCO Race 1 - Sunday 3 March 2024 (Morning) - Riverhead Forest XCR (Team Relay Event) - Sunday 3 March 2024 (afternoon) - Riverhead Forest North Island XC and Relay - Sunday 17 March to Tuesday 19 March 2024 - Whakarewarewa Forest Park, RotoruaXCO Race 2 - Sunday 5 May 2024 - Hunua Regional Park (TBC)XCO Race 3 - Sunday 23 June 2024 - Totata ParkXCO Race 4 - Sunday 4 August 2024 - Waitawa Regional ParkXCO Race 5 - Sunday 18 August 2024 - Woodhill ForestNational Schools MTB Champs - Monday 7 October 2024 - Christchurch Adventure ParkEntry close-off dates will be published on the Auckland Mountain Bike Club website: https://aucklandmtb.co.nz/schools/Age categories: Under 13, 14, 15,16, 17, and 20 (as of 31 December 2024)
Track Racing
North Island Schools Track Champs - Tuesday 09 July 2024 - AvantidomeSouth Island & National Track Camps - Tuesday 08 October 2024 - SIT Zero Fees Velodrome
Tom Symons - tomsy@remint.school.nz
Trials for Central Zones Football Teams will be held late in Term 1 or early Term 2.
Both Boys and Girls Central Zones competitions are in Term 2.
There is no registration fee for Central Zones football, however, there may be transport costs associated with attending competitions and players need to provide their own boots (with moulded studs) and shin pads.
Jason Waite (Y8) jasonw@remint.school.nz
Tom Stenning (Y7) toms@remint.school.nz
Sophie Sills sophies@remint.school.nz
Futsal in an indoor, five vs five football competition designed to be fast and fun while increasing skills and versatility.
RI enters girls and boys teams in the Auckland Futsal competitions. Teams are made up of both Year 7 and 8 students.
There is also a Central Zone team which will be formed in mid Term 1 from students taking part in the Auckland Futsal competitions.
Auckland Futsal Competition Games are played at Epsom Girls Grammar. Draws and results can be found on the Auckland Futsal website www.aucklandfutsal.org/draw-results/
Central Zones competition for both boys and girls will be held early in Term 2.
No experience is necessary to take part in the Auckland Futsal Competitions – the focus is on fun, fitness and skill building. Players can register on the Auckland Futsal Competition website in the last week of each term, in order to take part in the following term’s competition. Further information to be published in daily notices.
A single Futsal fee is payable when teams are formed to cover registration.
There is no formal Futsal team coaching, however Auckland Futsal provides training sessions for each age group. Each team does need a manager who will be responsible for team gear and supporting players at games.
There is an opportunity during the registration process to indicate any offers of assistance.
Jack Weller jackw@remint.school.nz
Sophie Sills sophies@remint.school.nz
Late in Term 1, students are invited to trial for combined Year 7/8 Girls and Boys Hockey teams.
Players are expected to commit to two practices per week at a time agreed with their coach.
The Central Zones Girls and Boys competitions are normally held late in Term 2. The CZ competitions will take place mid June at Harbour Hockey, North Shore.
Teams also compete in practice games as a leadup to Central Zones. Central Zone hockey does not impact on club hockey so a student can compete in both if selected for the School team.
Teams are coached and managed by parent volunteers. There will be an opportunity to offer assistance during the registration process.
Roch Caron rochc@remint.school.nz
Jenni Brookes sportscoordinator@remint.school.nz
RI enters a maximum of six Year 7 and six Year 8 girls netball teams in the Tuesday night winter competition at Auckland Netball St Johns venue. Auckland Netball has stated boys may play netball alongside girls up to year 8 with a maximum of 3 boys being allowed on the court at any one time. In 2025, boys have come along to trial and will also be in teams.
Players are expected to commit to the entire season including at least one practice per week at a time agreed with their coach.
Trials to select teams are held between end of February and early March, times to be published in daily notices.
For the latest 2025 Netball Team Notice, please click here.
Winter competitions commence in the second week of Term 2 running through to late August with 12-13 games in total. For more details see the Auckland Netball website: www.futureferns.co.nz
The A and B teams from each year also compete in the Central Zones netball competition at Auckland Netball St Johns venue in early August. A Year 7 and a Year 8 boys' team is formed especially for this competition.
Summer competitions are run by Auckland Netball at St Johns and Windmill Rd in late Term 3/early Term 4 and also in Term 1. RI does not organise teams for these competitions or provide gear for teams who do choose to register. See www.aucklandnetball.co.nz/netball
A single netball registration fee of $100 is payable at the beginning of the season that covers registration of teams, loan of netball uniform and umpires. Parents and Caregivers are responsible for transport to and from the courts at St Johns every Tuesday afternoon.
Teams are coached and managed by volunteers so we rely heavily upon support from parents and friends to ensure that our teams can be registered to play. Practices are organised by the coach and can be either before or after school.
There is an opportunity during the registration process to indicate any offers of assistance.
Jenni Brookes
All Year 7 and Year 8 students are invited to trial for the Central Zones Orienteering team in Term 1.
A team of approximately 50 students competes in the Central Zones competition late in Term 1.2023 Central Zone Orienteering takes place in March at Waiatarua Reserve and Inter Zones takes place in May at Cornwall Park.
There is no registration fee however students will be asked to pay for the cost of bus transport and maps for the Central Zones competition.
Alan Whitehouse runs some trial map reading sessions after the team is selected. Students can also attend the SummerNav series events run by Auckland Orienteering, further details at http://www.orienteeringauckland.org.nz/
Alan Whitehouse alanw@remint.school.nz
There are three teams for boys: Under 45 kg, Under 55 kg and Open Weight. The girls’ team is Open Weight.
Players are expected to commit to at least one practice per week at a time agreed with their coach.
Trials for all teams are held late in Term 1 or Term 2 depending on ground conditions. Trial dates and times are published in daily notices.
The three boys’ teams compete in the Central Zones competition in Term 2. There are also several lead-up games against local schools, all held during school time.
The girls’ team competes in the Central Zones competition in Term 2.
For 2023, the CZ competitions will be held on 31 May 2023.
The only cost associated with participating in rugby is bus transport. The school provides uniforms (apart from boots).
Teams are coached and managed by volunteers so we rely heavily upon support from parents and friends to ensure that our teams participate. We also rely on parents for transport to some games.
During the registration process, there is an opportunity to indicate any assistance offers.
Under 45kg - Tom Beckett tomb@remint.school.nz
Under 55kg - Elliot Peacock elliotp@remint.school.nz
Open weight - Fredrick Simpson fredricks@remint.school.nz
Leoni Ropiha leonier@remint.school.nz
All Year 7 and Year 8 students are invited to trial for the Central Zones Softball Girls and Boys teams early in Term 1. Trial dates and times are published in daily notices.
The teams compete in the Central Zones competition in Term 1.
There is no registration fee and all gear is provided by the school.
The Softball Co-ordinators will take lunchtime practices in the leadup to the Central Zones competition.
Parent support is required to transport players from school to the competition venue. There will be an opportunity during the registration process to indicate offers of assistance.
Roch Caron rochc@remint.school.nz
Billie Sturgiss billies@remint.school.nz
Students who are very competent swimmers, swim competitively for a swim club, swim 2 laps quickly and competently and are conversant with turning rules can elect to take part in the central zones swimming team competition.
Students will need to submit their current times during term 1 in order to be selected for the RI Central Zones Swimming team that competes in Term 1 at the Diocesan School for Girls swimming pool.
Parent assistance is required at the competition with timekeeping and judging, please email Jenni if you are able to help with this.
Jenni Brookes sportscoordinator@remint.school.nz
All Year 7 and Year 8 students are invited to trial for the Central Zones Table Tennis team late in Term 1. Trial dates and times are published in daily notices.
The Central Zones Table Tennis competition is held in Term 2 at the Gillies Ave Table Tennis Centre. The RI team comprises Girls and Boys singles and doubles.
There are some lunchtime practices prior to the competition.
The Auckland Table Tennis Association offer our pupils free table tennis lessons. This opportunity is open to all students, whether beginners or more able players.
Application forms will be available at school as advised through Daily Notices. Registration is on a 'first come first served' basis.
Cameron Olliff camerono@remint.school.nz
Year 7 and Year 8 students who already play Interclub Tennis are invited to trial for the Central Zones Tennis team in Term 1. Trial dates and times are published in daily notices.
The Central Zone Competion is held in Term 1. Parent support is required to transport players from School to the competition venue. There will be an opportunity during the registration process to indicate offers of assistance.
Sarah Choat sarahc@remint.school.nz
Year 7 and 8 students have the opportunity to join a Touch Rugby team. Players are expected to commit to the entire season including at least one practice per week at a time agreed with their coach.
No experience is necessary – the focus is on fun, fitness and skill building. Trials are held late in Term 3, dates and times to be published in daily notices.
Games are played throughout Term 4. Draws and results can be found on the College Rifles web site www.collegerifles.co.nz/college-rifles/junior-touch-rugby/
Transport to and from College Rifles each week is the responsibility of parents and caregivers.
Teams are coached and managed by volunteers so we rely heavily upon support from parents and friends to ensure that our teams can be registered to play.
There is an opportunity during the registration process to indicate any offers of assistance.
Fredrick Simpson frederiks@remint.school.nz
Alan Whitehouse alanw@remint.school.nz
Alysha Powell alyshap@remint.school.nz
Late in Term 1 or early Term 2 students are invited to trial for Year 7 and 8 Girls and Boys Volleyball teams.
Players are expected to commit to one practice per week at a time agreed with their coach.
The Central Zones Girls and Boys Volleyball competitions are held in Term 3.
There is no registration fee however there may be a cost for bus transport if required for competitions.
Roch Caron rochc@remint.school.nz
Leonie Ropiha leonier@remint.school.nz
Each year students are invited to join three mixed Water Polo teams. Participants need to be strong swimmers and will usually have played Flippa Ball or Mini Polo at Primary School.
Students are expected to commit to the full Water Polo season including training once a week.
Information for 2025 RI Water Polo
Games are held at either Sacred Heart or Epsom Girls Grammar/Dio on Friday evenings from Term 2 through to Term 4. Transport to and from games is the responsibility of parents and caregivers.
There are also three weekend tournaments: Winter Festival in August, the Tim Sonderer Memorial Cup in September and the North Island Championships in October.
There is a registration fee to cover training and pool charges.
Robin Gatfield robing@remint.school.nz
Phone: +64 9 522 9890
Email: admin@remint.school.nz
Office Hours: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm, Mondays to Fridays
Remuera Intermediate School,
55 Ascot Avenue,
Auckland 1050,
New Zealand