
Opportunities to be involved in sports at all levels are seen as a cornerstone of who we are as a school.  Like all things in life, not everyone can be the best and as such we have taken a holistic view of sport by ensuring we have opportunities to participate at a social level as well as the elite competitive level both within the school day and out of school hours.

Opportunities to be involved in sports at Remuera Intermediate are provided through the following:

  • Sports Service opportunities - RI Referees, PE Monitors etc.

  • Social/Hybrid sports leagues

  • Competitive Sports - Auckland Central and Interzones competitions

Sports Service Opportunities

PE Monitors

Students from Year 7 and Year 8 can apply to be a class PE monitor.  Applications and interviews are completed in early Term 1.  PE monitors have a number of responsibilities including running the PE shed, organising and overseeing class PE equipment and providing support at external events such as the Central Zone competitions.

RI Referees

RI Referees run and referee lunchtime sports. Competitions last year included touch, dodgeball and netball. Students who are interested in becoming a referee apply and trial for the position at the beginning of the year.

Social Sports

After Hours Sports Leagues

The school facilities the opportunity for students to take part in social and hybrid competitive sports leagues after school hours. These sports are open to as many entrants as there are willing participants, providing the teams can arrange a coach and manager. 

Please click on the following for more information:

Lunchtime Sport

This is run by RI Referees and provides opportunities for all students who are willing and able to get involved in friendly competitions such as netball, touch rugby, dodgeball, fat mat splat, etc. Interclass competitions in last year included sports such as touch, dodgeball and netball.

Competitive Sports at RI

Auckland Central and Interzones Competitions

This elite competition is highly competitive and involves over 45,000 year 7 and 8 students from across the greater Auckland region. Our teachers are responsible for coaching and managing our young sportspeople, with training often taking place before and after school and during lunch breaks.

Team members or individuals are selected to represent the school based on skills and talent. The number of teams or individuals that are eligible to enter each year is determined by the tournament organisers, this means there are limited spaces. This can make selection very challenging when we have so many capable young sportspeople. Students that are selected will be expected to follow the Code of Conduct for sporting events.

As a member of the central zone, our students first compete at Central Zone competitions.Typically, we only send teams that place first in Central Zone through to the Auckland Interzone competition. The Auckland Interzone competition is a playoff against teams from the other zones from across Auckland. 

Students will be informed via daily notices of trials for teams to represent RI against other teams in the central zone. There is always a large amount of interest in joining our competitive teams and the teacher in charge of each event  or sport will run trials to decide on the team to represent RI on competition day.

For information about individual sporting codes and their supporting teachers, check the dropdown menus on the right side of the page, or ask your child to check the sports noticeboard located in St Vincent's Foyer for the most updated details.

AIMS Games

AIMS Games is a national multi-sport tournment which our students can compete in. The competion is only for teams or individuals who place at the top of their local, regional or national competitions, and will have associated fees which will be discussed on an individual basis between teachers, teams and their caregivers. Students have competed in the AIMS games in recent years have represented RI in Boys' Futsal, Boys' Basketball, Netball, Rock Climbing, Swimming, and Cross Country.

To participate in AIMS, established school teams or individuals must meet certain criteria and adhere to guidelines set out by the school. These criteria and guidelines are set out below. The registration process is communicated to parents in Term 1. Applications need to be completed by the end of the term to be considered.

Click below to find out about the application process:

2025 AIMS Games Application Process

For all general sports enquiries, please email Jenni Brookes, alternatively, contact the teacher in charge of the sport directly.





Cross Country










Table Tennis




Water Polo