These accordions provide information about many aspects of our School. Please select an option from below.
If you have any further enquiries please email or call the School Office on 09 522 9890.
All absences need to be reported by 8:45am at the latest.
To report an absence for any reason please use the 'Report an Absence' link in the top right corner on the school website or via the school app or phone the office on 09 522 9890. Please do not email absence notifications to classroom teachers.
Should we receive no notification of absence, the School will send an automated text informing you of your child’s absence at around 9:30am. If no contact is made the abscence will be recorded as unjustified.
Students may ride bicycles and scooters to School provided that careful attention is given to road safety rules and that suitable locking devices are used while the bicycles and scooters are at School.
Safety helmets must be worn by all cyclists and those riding scooters.
The School car park is for staff and official visitor use only. There is a disabled park outside the School office where students can be dropped off or collected if they have difficulty with mobility. Restricting access to the car park assists the School in providing a safe environment for students.
Email is the preferred means of communication with the School and classroom teachers. Email addresses for all staff can be found at Our Staff. There is an expectation that any emails will be acknowledged within one school day.
Please do not email absence notifications to classroom teachers. The preferred methods are to use the Report an Absence function on the website, submit it through the school app or to ring the School Office.
In order to maintain efficient records and communication it is vital that the School be kept informed of new addresses, phone numbers, emails and other changes in family circumstances affecting our students. This is especially important in the event of an accident or emergency.
You can email the updates to the school office at or use the Online Inquiry function found here
The School website is the primary source of information for parents. The Newsletter will be emailed to all caregivers, usually on Fridays every fortnightly during term time. Newsletters are also published on the School website under the Newsletters tab.
At School, information regarding activities, sports and clubs is delivered directly to students via Daily Notices and assemblies. Students are expected to take responsibility for remembering this information and sharing it with parents. We believe this is a vital part of students transitioning to independent learners.
The school has a free school app called SchoolAppsNZ which can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play. Once downloaded, please select Remuera Intermediate under School. It sends important school messages and forms an essential part of our school communications.
Features of the App:
You can subscribe to alert groups of interest to you and your child
You can complete the absentee form directly from the App
You can access the school calendar, daily notices, news and events directly through the App
Please scan the QR code below to download this free app.
The Internet is made available to staff and students at RI under strict access conditions. Students are required to sign a copy of the Internet Safety Policy. All computers are protected against inappropriate websites and the School has its own internal audit procedure to monitor website use. Students and staff are made aware that regular and random audits will be carried out to monitor usage. On occasion, the School is made aware of issues that occur on personal email, chat rooms and other social media. Parents are asked to assist in keeping our students safe by regularly checking on how their child is using the Internet.
RI Cybersafety, Acceptable Use Policy: Download
The Auckland Regional Dental Heath Services mobile van visits the School each year. During this time they plan to see most of our students.
To contact the team, please phone the Greenlane Clinic on 09 623 0078.
Please click here for more information.
Our Digital Technology Strategy recognises the important role technology plays in achieving the wider aims and aspirations of our School. The strategy considers three aspects of digital technologies:
Learning through digital technologies – using technology to enhance teaching and learning throughout the curriculum
Learning about digital technologies – ensuring our students are being equipped with core technology skills
Learning with digital technologies – utilising technology to maximise the efficiency of school processes and communication to support our teaching and learning goals
RI is part of a working group of local schools that meets to discuss digital technology developments and strategies.
The School has procedures in place in the unlikely event of a civil emergency or lockdown. These procedures have been developed in conjunction with an independent company that specialises in emergency management for schools. We will be implementing emergency protocol exercises regularly throughout the year to ensure all staff and students remain familiar with our processes.
Should you hear of a lockdown or evacuation at the school or in the event of a civil emergency, please do not attempt to attend or phone the school as School Management will not be in a position to respond. Your presence or contact may make it more difficult to manage the situation.
Any information pertaining to an emergency occurring at School will be updated on our web site as regularly as possible.
Headlice or nits are an unwelcome but common event. Please check your child's hair and scalp regularly.
Here is a link to the Ministry of Health guidelines for identifying and treating nits: Head Lice
Homework is set regularly with a recommended upper limit of 40 minutes per night. This will generally consist of revision of classwork or following up work done during the day. If a student is unable to do this work, a short note of explanation from parents would be appreciated.
No student is expected to work more than 40 minutes appreciating that they should be 'on task' for that time. As students begin to take some responsibility for their own learning, the goal is that they will become involved in self-motivated study and research as well as completing set homework.
Each year nurses from the Community Child Health And Disability Service visit the School to offer Boostrix (Diptheria, Pertussis and Tetanus) immunisations to all Year 7 students and HPV immunisations to Year 8 students. Parents and caregivers will receive permission slips for each of these immunisations.
For more information, please click here to visit the Ministry of Health website.
If your child arrives to class after 8:45 they will need to sign in at the office and collect a late pass. If they go straight to class, the teacher will redirect them to the office to sign in.
If you are taking your child out of school early you must personally collect them from the office and they must sign out.
Throughout the year, the Class Sports Monitors run many fun lunchtime sports activities in which all students can participate.
Sports include Dodgeball, Volleyball, Backyard Cricket and Football.
Details will be shared on the Daily Notices.
For more information on Sports, please click here.
Students are not permitted to use mobile phones at school.
Should a student need to bring a mobile phone to School for use after school hours, the phone must be switched off and handed to the classroom teacher for safekeeping during the day. If a student is found with their phone during school hours, it will be confisacated, and can only be retrieved by a parent.
You can view a copy of the rules on the Ministry of Education website here: Phones Away for the day Rules.
These rules are designed to ensure that the learning of all students is maximised, while minimising any potential for distraction and cyber-bullying. If a parent or caregiver needs to contact their child urgently during the day, they should call the school office.
In order for this phone rule to be effective and to not disrupt our learning programmes we ask parents/ caregivers to speak to their child about these rules and reinforce the expectations of the school.
The Student Council holds occasional mufti days to raise funds for their chosen charities (e.g. Youthline, SPCA, Cancer Society, etc). On these days students are welcome to attend School in clothing of their choice, bearing in mind that this must be appropriate for school and include a hat or cap in the Summer terms. Students who participate in mufti days are asked to bring a gold coin donation for the chosen charity.
Edge Parent Portal shows your child’s attendance, school payments and school reports.
You can access the Parent Portal directly here, or access it from the top right corner of the website under 'Portal'.
To log on, you must use the same email address that the school holds for you. This will be the one on which you receive newsletters and other email notices from the school.
When you log onto Edge Parent Portal for the first time, you will be presented with a page asking you to log in with one of the following options:
If your email address is:
A Google account (Gmail), click on the G+ icon.
Linked to Facebook, click on the Facebook icon.
A Windows Live account, click on the Microsoft Office 365 icon.
If you don’t have any of these options, you can click on ‘Or manually enter your login details’ to enter an email address. Please remember to use the email address held by the school. You will not have a password so you will need to click on the Forgot Password link to generate a temporary password which can be changed once you get onto the Parent Portal. Please note that the Forget Password link will be emailed to you.
Once you have access to the Parent Portal you are then able to click on the name of your child and access their information regarding attendance & school payments.
If you have any queries regarding your email details please email the school at for help.
Each year parents are asked to pay the following payments:
2025 School Activities – $120.00 to cover all co-curricular activities (excluding the annual camps and Rainbows End trip). We do not ask for any additional contributions throughout the year as this covers all expenses.
2025 Specialist Subjects & Materials (Technology) - $120.00 materials and resources used in specialist areas.
2025 Curriculum Materials – $70.00 core materials pack including annual subscriptions, workbooks and school diary.
In addition to the above payments, we ask parents to make a voluntary School Donation of $550.00 for 2025. As a donation, the full amount is tax deductible and a receipt will be issued by the School. These funds are essential as they help to meet the shortfall between Government funding and the cost of resources that are required to provide the high standard of education that is expected by our community. We thank you for your contribution.
Payment via Parent Portal
A secure online service is available for many payments using Visa or MasterCard via the Parent Portal which can be accessed through this link or the link on the top right corner of the website.
When you log onto Edge Parent Portal, you are then able to access your child's payment information, instructions on how to log on are given in the 'Parent Portal' tab above.
If you have any queries regarding your email or other payment details please email the school at for help.
Please clearly name all possessions including clothing, footwear, lunch box, etc. Lost property is located on the right side of the Hall, next to the stairs to the music room.
Every classroom teacher has a lockable classroom cupboard. While students are discouraged from bringing valuables to School, when it is necessary such items should be given to the teacher for secure storage during the day.
It is not recommended that students leave valuables in their bags. Taking responsibility for their own belongings is an important aspect of their learning. Parents are advised to have their own insurance cover for the loss of, or damage to, their child's personal property. The School accepts no responsibility for articles that are lost or stolen.
Throughout the year badges are awarded to students in two categories:
Leadership and Responsibility, for example student councillors, sports committee, music and dance leaders, monitors (e.g. food technology, library, ICT).
Service to the School Community, for example mentors, sign language leaders, environment committee and outstanding effort with fundraising.
At Remuera Intermediate we have high standards and expectations of our students. Our collective success relies on every member of our school community actively demonstrating Reliabillity, Integrity and Service.
These three words form the cornerstone of what we expect from our students.
Reliability - I can be relied on to do the right thing
Integrity - I do the right thing even when no one is looking
Service - I contribute to the wellbeing of others
At RI we expect you to regularly consider and reflect on these questions:
Am I being a reliable member of our school community?
In what ways do I demonstrate integrity?
How have I contributed positively to our school community?
The School office is open from 8:00am to 3:30pm.
8:45 am - students are in their classrooms ready for the day.
10:55 am – 11:20 am morning break
12:40 pm – 1:30 pm lunch
2:50 pm - Year 8 finishes
3:00 pm - Year 7 finishes
Unless students are involved in an organised activity, they must leave the School grounds by 3.15 pm.
Minor injuries are treated at School but parents or caregivers will be contacted if possible if medical attention is required. In case of emergency your child will be taken straight to hospital.
If your child has an allergy or requires medication at School, please let us know early in the year. There is an opportunity to declare medical conditions on the Enrolment Form. We strongly advise parents to declare any conditions that may put their child or others at risk.
It is extremely important that the office has up-to-date contact phone numbers should there be an emergency.
All students require the core stationery from the list during the first week of school year. This can be purchased from Qizzle online via Delivery is free for orders over $69.
Choose Remuera Intermediate School from the menu and you will be taken to the requirements list.
Here are the stationery lists:
Student wellbeing (or Pastoral Care of students) underpins the education that we offer at RI. We understand that our students can only learn to their potential if they have a sense of belonging and safety in our School environment.
Support is provided via a number of channels:
Classroom teachers are the first port of call and they keep a close eye on students within their classes.
Year 7 Dean and Year 8 Dean - Our year group leaders are closely involved with students throughout their designated level and pay particular attention to their wellbeing.
Our Deputy Principal has responsibility for discipline within the School and provides additional support to classroom teachers when necessary. Any instances of bullying or other unacceptable behaviour are taken very seriously.
Our Principal has ultimate responsibility for students and takes an active role in resolving issues and providing support where appropriate.
International Students - Our Director of International Students has close involvement with all our international students and maintains contact with their homestay families or Auckland based parents throughout their time at RI.
Staff conduct student wellbeing surveys to gauge how students are feeling about their experience at RI and this information is reviewed to ensure that our practices provide the best possible environment and support.
All students are required to wear a regulation RI sun hat during outside activities, as well as during lunch in the summer months.
This is strictly enforced – no hat, no play.
Hats cost $22 and are available for purchase at the Orientation evening or from the School Office.
Two school bus services, No. 542 and No. 543, arrive and depart from directly outside the School. There are also further school buses and public services available from Remuera Rd, Orakei Rd and Greenlane East. Please click the following link for more details:
School Buses to Remuera Intermediate
Public Bus services
For information about public buses, route details, timetables, fares and lost property, please go to the Auckland Transport website
The nearest train station to RI is located at Greenlane, and it is a 10 minute walk from the school.
This service is operated by Auckland Transport.
For further information about timetables, stations and fares, visit the AT website here.
A variety of foods can be bought at the school tuck shop, from Monday to Friday during term time. Students are encouraged to consider their health needs when purchasing food.
Lunch can be ordered online at the Good Vibes - Remuera Intermediate. Payment can be made via debit/credit cards or PayPal. The order confirmation will be emailed to you, the tuck shop will be notified and your child's order will be ready for your classroom lunch monitor to pick up before lunchtime. The cutoff time for online orders is 9:00 pm the evening before to be ready for next-day services.
Alternatively, your child can place their lunch order at the tuck shop in the morning before school starts.
Students must attend School dressed in correct uniform at all times including to and from school. We expect students to take pride in their appearance including clean uniform, socks being pulled up (boys) and clean shoes.
All RI uniforms are available from the School Uniform Centre, 169 Manukau Road, Epsom, Auckland 1023.
A second hand uniform sale is held at School in late January each year. Second hand uniform items can be purchased at other times by contacting the PTA -
Culottes or skirt – regulation checked culottes or skirt
Blouse – regulation short-sleeved, white or grey, open-necked fitted shirt (Grey girl's blouse will be available in 2025)
Trousers – regulation charcoal trousers (ETA June/July 2024)
Jumper – regulation black v-neck jumper
Footwear – regulation black leather lace-up school shoes with white ankle socks, or black leather sandals (Terms 1 and 4 only).
Shorts – regulation charcoal shorts
Shirt – regulation short-sleeved, striped shirt
Trousers - – regulation charcoal trousers (ETA June/July 2024)
Jumper – regulation black v-neck jumper
Footwear – regulation black leather lace-up school shoes with regulation black full-length socks, or black leather sandals (Terms 1 and 4 only).
Examples of appropriate footwear:
Regulation black sports shorts
Regulation black sports shirt
Sports shoes, sports socks
Sunhat – regulation RI brimmed sunhat must be worn outdoors during Terms 1 and 4. This is available at the November orientation evening, before School on the first two days of the school year and at other times from the School Office
Scarf – the official School scarf (red and grey stripe) may be worn outside during Terms 2 and 3
Jacket – regulation RI sports jacket is optional and for outdoor use only. Not to be worn indoors.
Rain jacket – students may also use a black waterproof rain jacket
Watches – watches are permitted. Smartwatches must not be used to message during the school day.
Jewellery – one pair of plain ear studs may be worn. Other types of earrings can pose a safety concern.
All uniform items must be clearly marked with the owner's name. The School does not accept responsibility for the loss of items of clothing or personal belongings.
Phone: +64 9 522 9890
Office Hours: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm, Mondays to Fridays
Remuera Intermediate School,
55 Ascot Avenue,
Auckland 1050,
New Zealand