Online Enrolments

PLEASE NOTE - 2025 Out of Zone Applications are now CLOSED, no further Out of Zone applications will be accepted. In Zone application for 2025 is still open. 2026 Enrolments will open on 1 April 2025.

Please read the following information BEFORE you begin the Online Enrolment Process. 

When filling in the online enrolment, please DO NOT use capital letters. We prefer this format: "John Jones - 55 Ascot Avenue, Remuera, Auckland 1050"​​​​​​​

Have scanned copies of the following documents ready to upload:

  • New Zealand Birth Certificate OR the Front Page of Student's Passport

  • Latest School Report

  • Permanent Resident Permit OR Student Visa (only required if the student is a citizen of another country)

In-Zone Applications ONLY:

  • Auckland City Council Rates Assessment OR Sale and Purchase Agreement OR Rental Agreement OR Water Bill

  • Latest Utility Bill - Electricity/Gas OR Internet/Broadband, with mailing address and supply address 

When completing the Online Enrolment Form:

Caregiver Details section, please provide a minimum of 3 contacts for the student. 

  • Caregiver # 1 - this person must be the legal guardian, the first point of contact and must live with the student.

  • Caregiver # 2 - this person can be either the second legal guardian or the first emergency contact person.

  • ​Caregiver # 3 - this person is the first or second emergency contact person. Please ONLY tick the “Emergency Contact” option.

​​Note: An emergency contact is someone who will have the knowledge of how we can reach the legal guardians for the student in the case of an emergency. They can be extended family members or family friends.

Enrolment Details section, the Enrolment Priority is "Normal" if your child does not have any affiliations with Remuera Intermediate i.e. Siblings (Current/Former) or Parents who attended our school. 

The Start Date At This School for:

  • 2025 In Zone - will be the date your child intends to start in the 2025 academic year.

  • 2026 start date is Monday 9 February

Any applications not completed correctly or missing required documents can not be processed.

All completed Enrolment Applications are acknowledged by email at the end of the week they are submitted.​If you have not received the acknowledgement email within 5 school days after your submission, please get in touch with the Enrolment Officer.​​​​​​​

Please click the button to download and complete the required forms: 

Medical and Learning/Behavioural Information Form - MUST Complete Both Pages​​​​​​​

Collection and Use of Information Consent Form​​​​​​​

In-Zone Statutory Declaration Form - In-Zone Applications ONLY