Remuera Intermediate School is committed to the education of emerging adolescents. 

We are a culturally diverse school that welcomes students from all backgrounds.  We have a strong culture of high expectations for staff and students and celebrate success in all areas of School life.


Students will have the opportunity to learn or improve their English within a Teaching programme based on the New Zealand Curriculum Documents. Classroom teachers teach English, Mathematics, Social Sciences, Science, Health and Physical Education, Dance and Drama. There are specialist teachers for Art, Music and Technologies. Students have the opportunity to learn French or Japanese and there is extra assistance available for students who have English as their second language.

Orientation Programme

All new students are provided with an orientation programme designed to prepare them for their time at School. The classroom teacher, the English for Speakers of Other Languages teacher and students are involved in providing opportunities for International students to become familiar with the procedures of school life. Our Director of International Students prepares a programme that includes a description of the school and its systems, rules and regulations, where to go for help and guidance, who is who and where to find people you need.


Our School is located in Remuera near the centre of Auckland which is New Zealand’s largest city.  Auckland is a vibrant city with beautiful beaches and parks that provide many opportunities for outdoor activites.  It is rated the third most liveable city in the Mercer Quality of Living scale.

For more information about Auckland please go to www.aucklandnz.com​​​​​​​

Linkage to Secondary Schools

Remuera Intermediate is located in a neighbourhood with many high quality schools.  We have a strong relationship with the local Secondary Schools enabling a smooth transition for our students.

Further Information

To read more about our School, please click the button below.